Course Description
Don't miss the chance to join a LIVE Online Training on the ViaMonstra Academy with PowerShell expert Ronnie Jakobsen from CTGlobal. In this LIVE Online Training, you will learn to use PowerShell for administration of ConfigMgr and Intune environments. As with all our academy courses, the information presented is up-to-date and gathered from real-world implementations.
Note: If you already have an All Access Pass subscription, this course has been added to your account.
This program runs for six weeks and includes:
- Weekly live webinars (with recordings and Q&A)
- Weekly assignments to guide your progress
- A community of individuals with the same goals
- A private Facebook group with other participants for sharing reflections, progress, etc.
- The chance to ask Ronnie Jakobsen questions directly in a live training environment
This LIVE Online Training is for YOU if you want to:
- Learn PowerShell from the ground up
- Use PowerShell with your ConfigMgr infrastructure
- Use Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) with PowerShell
- Manage your ConfigMgr clients remotely using PowerShell
- Connect to Intune with PowerShell (using Graph API)
- Become proficient with PowerShell for administration
Course Schedule
Dates and start time for the live two-hour webinars:
- Module 1: Wednesday, Oct 26, 9:00 AM-11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
- Module 2: Wednesday, Nov 2, 9:00 AM-11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
- Module 3: Wednesday, Nov 9, 9:00 AM-11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
- Module 4: Wednesday, Nov 16, 9:00 AM-11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
- Module 5: Wednesday, Nov 30, 9:00 AM-11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
- Module 6: Wednesday, Dec 7, 9:00 AM-11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Course Outline
Module 1: PowerShell Basics
- Introduction to PowerShell
- Visual Studio Code with PowerShell
- Essential PowerShell Commands
- Understanding PowerShell Objects
- Learning PowerShell Programming Logic
- Extending PowerShell Using Modules
Module 2: PowerShell and ConfigMgr
- Introduction to the ConfigMgr PowerShell Module
- Working with ConfigMgr Infrastructure, Site System Roles, and More
- Working with Packages and Applications
- Working with Task Sequences
- Working with Software Updates
Module 3: PowerShell and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
- Introduction to Windows Management Instrumentation
- Introduction to WMI Query language (WQL)
- Understanding How to Discover WMI Classes and Instances
- Extracting Hardware, OS, and Application Configurations from WMI
- Invoking WMI Methods and Making Changes to Windows and Applications
- Understanding the ConfigMgr WMI Namespace
- Creating Custom WMI Classes and Storing Information in Them to Use with ConfigMgr Hardware Inventory
Module 4: Managing Clients Remotely
- Introduction to PowerShell Remoting
- Connecting to Clients and Executing Commands Remotely Using PowerShell
- Managing ConfigMgr Clients Remotely with PowerShell
- Triggering ConfigMgr Client Actions with PowerShell
- Executing PowerShell Code at Multiple Systems Simultaneously Using Multithreading
- Using PowerShell to Validate ConfigMgr Client Health
Module 5: Introducing Microsoft Graph and Intune
- Introduction to Microsoft Graph API
- Connecting to Intune Using Graph API with PowerShell
- Creating Intune Configuration Policies with PowerShell
- Creating Intune Applications Using PowerShell
- Device Management with Graph API
- Using PowerShell to Document Intune Configuration
- Graph API Reports and Auditing
Module 6: ConfigMgr Console Extensions
- Introduction to ConfigMgr Console Extensions
- Using PowerShell to Build a Right-Click Console Extension Tool that Does Cool Stuff on the Devices
Instructor Bio: