The IT Pro Community Matters to Us!

Our academy is an online gateway for learning. We believe the IT Pro community is better together! Each success shared within the IT Pro community empowers other IT Pros to grow and succeed.

We are committed to giving back to the IT Pro community what we have gained

  • in knowledge through updated, live instruction,
  • in understanding through real-time demonstrations, and
  • in experience through live, hands-on labs.

Featured Courses, Masterclasses and Solutions

Testimonials... Don't just take our word for it

“This was my first live class and I was blown away by his humbleness and willingness to spend extra time Answering questions, adding links to the content as we went. His knowledge is top-notch as a 16 time MVP what else would you expect. I was also happy to have access to the sessions when I wasn’t able to make the live sessions via recordings. You can not beat the price for this kind of expertise.”

“Johan and his ViaMonstra Online Academy courses are a tremendous value for the content. Johan does an incredible job of explaining concepts in ways that just click. With training/travel options still limited due to the pandemic, this has been a great opportunity to review and update Windows deployment and MEMCM knowledge. I can't recommend Johan and his content enough.”

“To have Johan teach you Configuration Manager and Intune is like having Pele teach you how to kick a football! Johan is a gentleman and simply the best in the business. I am enjoying the membership subscription and looking forward to the many years ahead of working with these products.”

Contact Us

The organization behind the ViaMonstra Online Academy is Mirolus LLC. If you have any training, invoice, or payment questions, please use the contact form at or simply drop an email to  [email protected].

Mirolus LLC
41W904 Hughes Rd
Elburn, IL 60119